Waiting time until intake: 2 weeks

Waiting time until treatment: 1 week

Welcome to Therapy for Internationals

Life can be difficult for everyone, leaving us in situations where we may need psychological support. 

Expats are no different but due to their unique circumstances they may struggle with additional issues, or not know where to turn to find appropriate support.

Therapy for expats requires both professional experience and sensitivity, and also an understanding of what they're going through.

Having been an expat myself, I can testify to the importance of the right help at the right time. That is what I aim to provide you. 

Nederlandse cliënten zijn ook van harte welkom om zich aan te melden. Ik heb veel ervaring met het geven van therapie in het Nederlands indien dit de voorkeur geniet.

About me

Experienced Bilingual Psychologist


I was born in the United Kingdom to a Dutch father and an American mother, and raised bilingually in English and Dutch. During my formative years I moved between the UK and the Netherlands several times, so I know from personal experience what expats go through whilst moving abroad and learning how to find their way in a new culture. 

I completed my BSc in Psychology in the UK, and my MSc in Clinical Psychology at Leiden University. 

Approach and professional experience

In my 10 years as a practising therapist I have worked for several healthcare organisations in the Netherlands, providing mental health care to clients from a wide variety of backgrounds.  The last several years I have developed a particular focus on the mental health needs of expats. 

A key element of my approach is connecting with people and building a strong working relationship (the ‘therapeutic alliance’). I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to therapy and will tailor the treatment based on what you wish to achieve. 

I use a variety of therapeutic techniques, including cognitive behavioural therapy and schema therapy, and have undergone extensive training in both of these fields. I continue to develop professionally by regularly following trainings and workshops.

I am experienced at dealing with depressive disorders, anxiety disorders (including panic and social anxiety), self-esteem issues, ADHD, PTSD and personality disorders.

I investigate and prepare reports for ADHD and personality disorders.

I am a native speaker of both English and Dutch and conduct therapy in both languages. 


Contact Me for Support

08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Thursday - Monday

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you professionally qualified?

Yes. I have a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology, recognised under Dutch law.​​

Do you work with insurance companies?
As a private practice I am considered to be an out-of-network provider. I have chosen not to negotiate contracts with Dutch healthcare insurers and am therefore under no obligation to share information regarding treatment with insurers. You are responsible for paying the costs of your therapy.

International insurers often cover some or part of the costs of treatment.

You may be entitled to claim reimbursement for some or all of the costs of therapy depending upon your policy and insurer. 

I recommend that you talk to your healthcare insurer before starting therapy about possible reimbursement. The information included on invoices is usually sufficient to substantiate your claim. I can provide extra documentation if your healthcare insurer requires it.

Are your services confidential?
Yes, absolutely. I work according to the ethical code established by the Dutch Institute for Psychologists (NIP). All information shared with me is confidential. I can only share information with third parties with your prior written permission. The only exception to this is if I believe that you or someone else is in imminent danger. In this unlikely situation I have a legal obligation to inform the authorities (e.g. your GP, police, crisis intervention team) who can then take appropriate steps. The ethical code in English can be read here.

Do I need a referral letter from my GP / family doctor?

You do not need a referral letter to begin therapy with me. However, some insurance companies may require a referral letter from your GP for reimbursement purposes. 

What happens once I've contacted you?

Once I receive your submission/question I will contact you within 4 working days (usually via email or phone) to schedule a telephone call. The call is free of charge and is meant to discuss the issues you are facing, as well as any practicalities. It also gives you an opportunity to ask questions you may have and to obtain an initial impression of who I am and how I work.

How much do your services cost?

My standard rate is 140 euros per 45 minute session. If this is difficult we can always discuss a adjustment appropriate to your situation.

Where are you located?

I see clients at the Raamweg 4 in the Hague or online via videoconferencing.

What happens if I miss my appointment?

Unfortunate things can happen, so please inform me soon as possible if you cannot make an appointment. I do my best to look for alternative solutions. You will be liable to pay for any therapy session which you cancel less then 24 hours in advance or which you do not attend.

Do you have a waiting list?

I aim to keep my waiting time to a minimum. My current waiting time before an initial intake is 2 weeks. My waiting time before treatment begins is a further 2 weeks.

When are you available?

Tuesdays - 8.30 AM - 16.00 PM

Wednesdays - 8.30 AM - 17.00 PM

What information about the treatment do you have on file?

The only information retained in your file is the information considered necessary by me to help you to meet your specific goal regarding your mental health and to provide therapy of the highest quality. This information is only used for these therapeutic purposes, is kept securely and is not disclosed to anyone else without your prior written consent. Information is stored in a secure online environment (electronic patient dossier) which can only be accessed by me. As required by Dutch law, the information will be retained in your file for 20 years. I am is legally permitted to, and will, destroy your file earlier if you request this in writing. 

What do I do if I am not satisfied with my treatment?

I am fully committed to providing high quality therapy and work hard to create an atmosphere in which any problems that arise in the course of therapy can be discussed freely and constructively. If there is a problem I will gladly discuss it with you and work towards a mutually agreeable solution. The law (Wkkgz – Wet kwaliteit, klachten en geschillen zorg) states that discussing your complaint with your therapist is the first step to take. However, if we are unable to resolve the problem, you can take your complaint to the NFG. You can find more information about this process on the website of the NFG (Niet tevreden over je hulpverlener? NFG (de-nfg.nl).​

Professional Insurance

I have arranged my own professional liability insurance. 


I will use my professional skill and judgment to help you achieve your treatment goals. However, it is impossible to guarantee the success of any therapeutic process. If at any time I feel the therapy is not working effectively, I will discuss this with you. I also encourage you to discuss any difficulties you may be experiencing with me directly. 
